Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
Silly pictures with taco salads and narrow-minded comments? Hey, it's not
that uncommon on social media, maybe we'll give him a pass ...
Stupid close m...
8 years ago
AMEN! Could not agree w/you more and you have posted a PERFECT example.
Now, about the memory VERSES!!! You are stretching it out here -- I was comfortable with 1 verse, not 3!!!! :)
We're doing a Bible study (Boy, Have I Got Problems!) on the book of James and will be attempting to memorize the whole book of James or at least a large part of it--starting with James 1:1-27.
OH MY GOSH!!! I hope you are listening to Rush today. He just played an interview Megan Kelly (Fox) did with the editor of Us Magazine. Oh my gosh, it was priceless. She asked him what lies the front of the magazine was referring to...he stumbled around and then said it referred to the lies that liberal bloggers were putting out there about her baby really being her grandbaby! Kelly says, do you think that is what people think when they are in the grocery line, looking at that headline??? THEN, she asked him if the story mentioned that her husband's DUI happened 22 years ago?? He stumbled again and said "we didn't have time to get into all of that"! Oh, I must find this interview on youtube!
Found it--thanks :)
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