Thursday, February 5, 2009


This article outraged me this morning and I had to share it: United Nations' threat: No more parental rights Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object

~God tells parents in Proverbs 22:6 to "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." It is not for the government to decide what is best for our children it is for us the parent to decide!!!!!!!

*Now more than ever we need to be on the watch because again ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES and, to use the slogan, the left is on the march. Liberals, especially our president Barack Obama and speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi and others are trying to put the fear of God into Americans to pass this pay back/social agenda bill under the guise of a "stimulus package." BO's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel did say and I'm paraphrasing or maybe not that "A crisis is a terrible thing to waste." This stimulus package is nothing but a Democrats wish list of the social agendas that they have wanted for so long and also payback to all those org that helped get Barak Obama elected--Remember ACORN?? So why not use the recession?? BO and Pelosi are the two most depressing people on television--there is never hope in what they say just doom and gloom. Know that they want to scare the life out of us because if they can scare us enough they just might get this LIE of a Stimulus past you--Well I'm not falling for it. Common sense tells me to simply put more money in the pockets of Americans by cutting taxes and don't allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and watch what happens. HELLO?! You don't take out a loan to get out of debt.

I've been busy making calls to senators and congressmen to voice my opinion on many of these issues. The United Nations threat is only one; there are others. FOCA is another (thanks Barbra), BO's appointees is another--can't he find anyone who pays their taxes???? It still baffaling me that we have a person in charge of the IRS who hadn't paid his taxes in over four years and only paid two of those years AFTER he was being vetted for Secretary of the Treasury--IN-CREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course Democrats don't care about taxes because we're finding out that many of them DON'T PAY THEM--must not be patriotic, huh Joe?

Call your senator
Call your congressmen

Don't count on the lamestream media to inform you; it's OUR job to be FULLY informed.

But above all let us lift up this great country before God and its leaders in PRAYER.

Thank you for letting me rant >:(


Anonymous said...

Right on Tricia!!!!
I sincerely hope all who read your excellent blog get on the phone and let their Senators & Congressmen know that this stimulus package is anything but what it is touted to be. Those, who voted for "CHANGE" are beginning to realize this is not the change they expected.
Love, Mom

Rich said...

I pray all that have been blind to this man can now see! He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a Trojan Horse for socialism and tyranny, he is a dangerous enemy of freedom. God help us...

Anonymous said...

Rant away! You are speaking for so many of us. I say you sit in for Rush on Monday! Funny how we used to hear how it was the Republicans trying to scare people into voting for them. Now we have a president trying to scare us into supporting this "stimulus" package -- what a joke!

Furthermore, your point about someone not paying his taxes heading up the IRS: Let me tell you from experience that "regular", middle class people who may an HONEST mistake on their taxes not only pay the taxes when they are made aware of the mistake, they also pay interest AND penalties!!! From the reports I have read, neither Gietner nor Daschle paid interest or penalties -- maybe they didn't even pay all of the back taxes, who knows?!?!?!