Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Keeping Christ in CHRISTmas..............

The true meaning of Christmas for so many of us has been lost or forgotten buried deep beneath decorations, parties, wrapping paper, toys, santa and stress. To find the true meaning of WHY we celebrate CHRISTmas we need only to look to the manger. Too often we hear people talk either about "not being in the Christmas spirit" or "not having the Christmas spirit." But Christmas is not a feeling--and our feelings can't be trusted--but rather it is a day put aside that we remember and celebrate the birth of God's greatest gift to the world--Jesus Christ--born over 2,000 years ago to be the Savior of the world. And that the story of Jesus didn't end in the manger but continued until His death on the cross and His resurrection three days later.

When we decorate we remember the reason for the season--we talk about the symbols of Christmas and how they are a reminder to us of Christ' birth. While stringing lights we're reminded that Jesus is the Light of the world. That the angel on top of our tree reminds us that angels appeared to shepherds in a field proclaiming 'The Good News.' If we had a star on top it would remind us of the star the wise men followed. The wreath on our door reminds us of God's never ending love for us. And gift giving reminds us of God's free gift of salvation to all who will receive it.

We take one night each year to watch "It's A Wonderful Life." One year when Chris and I were young (Chris was still older;)) we strung popcorn and I remember how much I enjoyed it so I thought I'd add stringing popcorn before the movie.

Here's Kenny's big head--it has to get into everything ;)


Here we caught our cat Hutch (yes, there is a Starsky) just before he knocked over the bags of the popped corn.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for these all important reminders. I have to admit that I am guilt of getting caught up in all of the hub bub and not taking time to remind my kids why we celebrate. Your comments about "feelings" are so right on.

Rich said...

Great song. How did you get it to start upon opening your web site?

Merry Christmas to all and to all we should wish "It's a Wonderful Life"!!!!

Love from the Hands of Colorado...

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Kenny wearing his wife beater undershirt?