Sunday, December 7, 2008

This date in history...............

In 1941 Japanese warplanes attacked American and British territories and possessions in the Pacific, including the home base of the U.S. Pacific fleet located at Pearl Harbor on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.


Rich said...

A date that lives in infamy!God Bless those soldiers!!

Anonymous said...

A day that should always be remembered along with
Sept. 11th. I think I may have heard this day mentioned twice today. We have become a very complacent society. God watch over us!!
You are a patriot!!!!!
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

A day that should always be remembered along with
Sept. 11th. I think I may have heard this day mentioned twice today. We have become a very complacent society. God watch over us!!
You are a patriot!!!!!
Love, Mom