Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
Silly pictures with taco salads and narrow-minded comments? Hey, it's not
that uncommon on social media, maybe we'll give him a pass ...
Stupid close m...
8 years ago
How very sad
I absolutely cannot believe this could possibly be real! SHOCKING, even though it's not, do you know what I mean?
You are sure to find just as many ignorant and uninformed voters on the Republican side if you bothered to look. The difference is the Republicans actually had an ignorant and uninformed person running for vice president. It's time to move on!!!!!
Does anyone know the difference in the IQ level of Democratic voters compared to Republican voters?? Does anyone know the income level of Democratic voters compared to Republican voters??? Does anyone know the education level of Democratic voters compared to Republican voters?? Does anyone know the amount of taxes Democrats pay on average compared to Republican??? Yes, I know it doesn't matter and it's time to move on but doesn't it concern you that people who pay less in taxes, who have less education, who have lower income have the ability to vote for politicians who can take money from one group of people and give it to another group????
The Republicans had an ignorant and uninformed person running for vice president? Let's say that's true. The democrats had a big mouth plagerist running for vice president and a man who says a certain group of people cling to their guns and religion; sits in a church pew for 20 years listening to a pastor who says God Damn America; wants to redistribute the wealth of working Americans, creating another welfare state...oh, and they won! Let's move on and see what these 2 impressive Americans can do for the're right, let's move on!
I am looking at what these people DID know. Think about that. The media got THEIR message out loud and clear.
Did someone actually say that people who pay less taxes,are less educated and have lower income should not have the right to vote. Sound pretty un-American to me.
Don't miss the point of this docoumentry--"HOW Obama Got Elected."
In my opinion, the media played a HUGE and RELEVENT role in getting Obama elected. If many of those same people who voted for Obama were given the facts on EACH candidate, on paper, including backgrounds, experience, associations, and voting records, WITHOUT the name or face attached to it--I can say with confidence that BO would NEVER have been elected--it would have been a no brainer for Americans. But unfortunately for us the majority of the media did not do their job and were able to form many Americans opinions on each candidate. This video gives us a snapshot of that. This has been my media frustration all along.
I agree that you can find ignorance on both sides. But is it political ignorance, media ignorance or a bit of both??? Are people really not aware that there is a HUGE media bias that just so happens to be heavily in favor of Democrats??!!? Or do people unknowingly trust what's being reported on as unbiased reporting??? It's important to get your news from a variety of resources but if the majority of your resources are biased how are you to make an informed decision??!!??
This documentry just confirmed my own experiences.
P.S. Thanks for the lively posts :)
Ruling over people by keeping them uneducated and feeding them propoganda instead of facts and keeping them needy and dependant upon government has been going on for centuries before America was founded. Yes, everyone is afforded an education in America. But who is doing the educating? Who is writing the text books? And what has been their goal? Critical thinking has not been taught. In fact I've heard that you are frowned upon to question liberal ideas in the classroom. Colleges and high schools are indoctrinating our youth to a "new" way of thinking. One World Government - Global thinking... Our country was founded on people looking for freedom from a tyranical and overreaching government. Our forefathers set up a great government, not perfect, but great. Other countries actually seek to model their government and financial market after America's. Yes, our system needed some fine tuning but in spite of its problems, it became a great super power. Yes slavery is a stain on Americas past but we neglect to credit that there were many WHITE people who fought against slavery and thankfully won that fight along side many great african americans. I personally felt no guilt about slavery because I was never a slave owner, nor my ancestors but I am proud of our country and its ability to rid ourselves of that evil perpetrated by both the Africans who sold their own people into slavery and the white men who bought them and brought them to America. Shame on both. Back to the media...
The media knows what an integral part of the process they are. Its insulting for anyone to say they aren't biased. They absolutely are. The media knew if they reported the truth about Obama and the truth on the issues then based on the facts Obama had a good chance of losing. Because of the liberal media campaigning for Obama, we'll never know if without the liberal media Obama would have won fair and square. I don't know what is meant by moving on exactly. Does moving on mean put your head in the sand or put your blinders on? Or does it mean check your brain at the door and hop on the Obama train? I won't be doing any of that . We have another election in four years. I'll be campaigning against socialism for the next four years. Critical thinking, healthy criticism, freedom of speach, freedom of religion - we have it all and I'm not giving that up for any presidency. I'll move on looking forward to 2012 but I'm not putting blinders on and keeping my opinion to myself. We need to fight to keep the freedoms we take for granted.
Thanks Trish.
Well said! "Let's move on" means get out your pocket book and start coughing it up.
Poke me in the eye with a pencil! America is in huge trouble with the ignorance displayed by these and so many uninformed voters... This makes the case for a test before voting...
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