I could hardly believe when I heard that only 15% of Americans are aware of Barack Obama's radical pastor, Jeremiah Wright and only 50% know that the Democrats are in control of Congress--although I wasn't shocked by the latter--just listen to the blame Bush for everything crowd--it makes one wonder if people really understand how our government works???!!?
OK, I am not an alarmist and if Jeremiah Wright was BO's only radical association one could argue that on its own it doesn't raise huge red flags--but when you start putting Wright together with Bill Ayers (the unrepentant terrorist), Tony Resko--check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SrtyFY6qTA , ACORN (the group that BO legally represented, donated $800,00 to and is accused of voter fraud in favor of BO), The Million Man March lead by Louis Farrakhan that BO attended, Father Pfleger (another radical preacher from Chicago), Frank Marshall Davis, a communist and who was very influential in BO's high school years and the latest, Rashid Khalid-you can read about him here: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZDFkMGE2MmM1M2Q5MmY0ZmExMzUxMWRhZGJmMTAyOGY
and a radical picture starts to take shape of BO's view of America and what his political worldview is. These people and organizations on their own might not be alarming but again together they should be very alarming. These are not just associates they are long time friends of, big financial supporters of, long time mentors of and spiritual leaders of, Barack Obama. Again remember, that he's had to 'distance' himself from each one of these people/org. Why should we care?? Again, IMHO, it speaks volumes to what is at the core of BO's radical ideology and the direction he could take this GREAT country in--possibly European Socialism??? Well, I don't care to find out.
And ask yourself why does Obama and Biden want people to "get out early to vote???" Maybe they're afraid you'll start piecing things together and on November 4th make an informed decision and might change your vote because of these disconcerting associations.
When talking to those who are voting for BO--I can't believe the level of ignorance, blindness and lack of understanding of the issues. People ignoring REAL concerns to me, is very, very disturbing.
This is not about being a Democrat, Republican or an Independent this is about common sense and my hope is in the end common sense will prevail. Or else we might get more 'change' than we bargained for.
There is nothing to fear in John McCain--but unfortunately I CANNOT say the same for Barack Obama.
And just a P.S. Why would Joe Biden say that Barack Obama will be tested in the first six months of his presidency??? I thought BO was friends with the world??? So why would they want to test him????????????!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN, I don't care to find out.
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
Silly pictures with taco salads and narrow-minded comments? Hey, it's not
that uncommon on social media, maybe we'll give him a pass ...
Stupid close m...
8 years ago
You have listed every reason why people should be wary of voting for BO and I hope those reading your blog stop and think why they want "change". The USA is unique, which is why so many wish to imigrate here. What Obama is preaching, makes OUR USA more like Europe, which is in deep trouble because of the gov't programs, they have enacted. We have to stay optimistic!
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